Thursday, January 18, 2018

It's been two weeks since New year and I'm feeling better. As this year started, we gave ourselves a second chance to start over and feel motivated to be better than our past selves. I myself actually felt hope that I will be able to fix my life this year - job, relationships (maybe) and independence. But starting all over again, how do you really cope up and keep yourself together?

Baler, Aurora

Thursday, January 11, 2018


This was actually last November 2017 so this post is a little late. Also, this is my second visit for the same year. But even so, I want to share with you guys my experience in this wonderful surfing haven. I've been into surfing ever since La Union and after this I have been thinking about Siargao to be the next on the list this year but we will see about that because I am so broke right now that I will have to work all year round. Lol.

I'm good, just tired. How anxiety affects me.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Do you ever find yourself laughing and then the next minute you're just staring blankly into space? It's like your train of thought never stops and it travels everywhere. Floating mixed words and sentences trying to figure whether you should do this or do that. This situation has led me to be aware that this is more than just overthinking. It's a product of anxiety.

Tyler's Cafe

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

There's a lot of activities in my 2018 list and visiting new cafes and restaurants with my friends is one of them. Usually I go with Tina because we just agree on everything and besides, we are each other's photographers. We love cafes because we love to work, catch up and eat together so it's where we are most productive most of the time. We found this pretty cafe in Katipunan and visited it yesterday and this is going to be the first new cafe I tried this year. It will really catch your eye even when you're just passing by and here are the exterior and interior photos of Tyler's. You be the judge!


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